... assembly and association. It includes freedom from any cruel or inhumane treatment and not being discriminated against because of race,sex, disability,language or social status. Human rights abuse may occur in positions where there is a hostile government in power or in everyday life in a developed nation. But, it usually occurs in a poor or unstable country with a record of violence and inept leadership. At this time country's that have been known for human rights abuse in their countries are China, Cuba, Rwanda, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. They have violated their citizen's rights as individuals through senseless killngs, arbitrary detention, and detention. ...
... hook two VCR's together, they can copy from one to the other. You could rent a movie form the video store, copy and return it, with no one the wiser. The problem with copying video and audio tapes is that for every copy you make the recording artist, the actors, producers and everyone else who collect royalties from the tapes lose money. If the companies start to lose money, they raise prices. Thus a vicious circle begins. As prices go up, fewer people buy original copies. If less people buy the original cassettes prices will once again rise. Another major form of piracy is plagiarism. The stealing of someone elses ideas or work. The biggest category of people who ...
... the attention of parents, policy-makers, and political candidates, the problems of have received increased attention. School safety has become the sixth initiative of the U.S. Department of Education’s Goals 2000 program. They propose Safe, Disciplined, and Drug-free Schools by the year 2000. (Perlstein B. 02) Despite heightened public attention following a surge in multiple homicides in schools, overall school crime rates are declining, according to the new 1999 Annual Report on School Safety. (Journal of American Medical Association 34) “Although America can be glad that school crime is decreasing,” said President Clinton; “we must take firm steps to e ...
... once again. Keeping this in mind there no question if it was beneficial. Building new homes also helps the wood, paint and tool industry. Skilled workers are needed, and unemployment goes down. This also helped the economy, the people and the lending institutions in the long-run. The FHA was incorporated into the new Deapartment of Housing and Urban Development also known as HUD. The Office continued its role as mortgage guarantor and widened it area of responsibilty to include mortgages lent to the owners of multifamily dwellings and to public housing authorities as well as individual homeowners. Focusing now on another program called the SSA also called the So ...
... if he or she thinks that harm will come to him. Another way the death penalty deters murder, is the fact that if the killer is dead, he will not be able to kill again. Most supporters of the death penalty feel that offenders should be punished for their crimes, and that it does not matter whether it will deter the crime rate. Supporters of the death penalty are in favour of making examples out of offenders, and that the threat of death will be enough to deter the crime rate, but the crime rate is irrelevant. According to Isaac Ehrlich's study, published on April 16, 1976, eight murders are deterred for each execut ...
... first, he believes “reform must provide viable candidates with substantial public campaign resources in return for their agreement to observe strict spending limits. (p 49)” Second, he believes there must be tighter restriction of PAC contributions. Third, bundling must be prohibited; fourth, the flow of soft money must be stopped and lastly, a reconstitution of the Federal Elections Commission (who Cox believes has not done much as an enforcement agency). Mr. Smith argues that it costs money to communicate with the public. He says, “…from every ballot referendum to races for every office (the amount spent yearly)…is less that the amount spent on pot ...
... social payoff, 3) The economic payoff, 4) The psychological payoff. People cling to some attitudes like life preservers but they are persuaded to give up others. The more payoffs there off for maintaining an attitude, the more resistant it will be to change. The different casual connections between attitudes and behavior can be seen clearly in the case of prejudice. In some cases, the attitude (prejudice) leads to behavior (discrimination). Discrimination may be subtle, as when a person refuses to associate with targets of the prejudice. It may be accepted social practice, as when members of one group refuse to hire or promote people who are different from them. In ...
... subjected to a host of pressures and can as a result do things they would not normally do. On the contrary, I found that females who do sports are far less pressured and influenced about sex. In fact they are far less likely to be sexually active than teen females who do not participate in sports. I believe that all teens in general should know the results of being a sexually active teen. There are many consequences of being sexually active, one of the major one being sexually transmitted diseases. A sexually transmitted disease might not sound so bad but, some can cause sterility and even worse , death. Even when condoms are used, a STD can still be transmitted. ...
... but in fact, it makes perfect sense. First, by making drugs legal, you eliminate all source of profit made by dealers in illegal trading. Destroying that aspect of society will reduce the amount of drug related crime. Then that money will be used to set up treatment centers and rehabilitation clinics across America to help the already addicts. Keep in mind, is not the only answer, yet is a definitive step in the right direction. Education is the key to battling drug abuse, but that is a different topic. Nullifying the drug trade is the best way to start combating drug related crime, like domestic violence and murder. It has been proven that these types of crim ...
... contrary of what the affirmative team believes. The fact is that men commit more crimes, so they will be convicted at a greater rate then women. The ratio of men to women on death row and executed is 68:1 or 3400:50 (NAACP Spring 1996). From 1976-1994, men committed 7 times as many murders as women or a 7:1 ratio (Sourcebook ’94). Therefore, it may be statically shown that men are, by a 70:1 ratio, more likely to be on death row then are women. Like gender bias, racial bias is nonexistent in the rulings involving the . Whites represent 56% of those executed, and blacks 38% (NAACP Summer of 1996). The other 6% are other minorities. The is not bias to any race, ...