... which can raise questions of censorship and control: discussion of racial, political, religious and sexual topics all run the risk of offending someone, somewhere, leading to demands for control of the Internet. The question of censorship may also be raised in some unexpected places: one newsgroup is the rec.humor list, which is a collection of jokes submitted to subscribers. There are straightforwardly rude jokes but others are politically incorrect, focusing on sexual stereotypes, mothers-in-law, women and so on. It has been suggested (Interpersonal Computing and Technology, 1994) that discretionary warning labels could be attached to potentially offensive ma ...
... for monitoring their employees e-mail are to investigate and prevent illegal activities and to evaluate employee performance. Company's feel that what takes place on their premises is company property and therefore they have the right to monitor e-mail. Employees feel in some cases, this is a violation of their privacy rights. I feel I have to agree with employers on this issue, however, to a point. I feel employers do have the right to access employees e-mail with the employee's consent as to when and how often and for what purpose. I feel there are differences as to why an employer would want to monitor e-mail. If an employee is strictly in a data entry, word ...
... really are. There have been several studies done that failed to find any value in the DARE program. About 26 million American school children are taught to resist the lure of drugs and alcohol by the DARE program, a studied showed that most of the students who took the 17 week DARE program ended up using drugs and alcohol at the same rate as children who learned about them in a normal health class. Many people think that DARE is the magic bullet to solve the drug and alcohol problems in the nation. Another study conducted in Illinois on about 1800 students, showed that DARE students used the same amount of drugs who did not take the program, and another study conc ...
... have in common. Generation X has grown up in a world of money and quickly changing technology. In order to be the President of the United States of America, one must be thirty-five years old. Automatically that is at least a ten-year age difference between the two groups. There is an ever growing generation gap between candidates and youthful voters. In the case of the 1996 Presidential election, Bob Dole was in his seventies, my grandfather is not even seventy. Bob Dole and many other candidates in recent and past years have had trouble relating to Generation X and vice versa. Another reason why Xers are turning away from the government is lack of political educat ...
... It is an example of this mistrust as well as the confusion which goes through a childs mind. Since I was a little ten-year-old child, I had to deceive and hide from the world and my mother that my father took a sexual interest in me. Remember how you taught me that art of deceit? First you put me in a situation that had to be kept a secret then you pledged me to secrecy...As a ten-year-old child, what was I supposed to do? You are an intelligent man you figure out the options available to a ten-year-old in that position." (Rush, 1980) Guilt: The abused will feel tremendous guilt for a numerous reasons: They feel they did nothing to stop the abuse therefore ...
... survives the accident, often with out a scratch. Allowing people who have been drinking to drive would also improve the quality of life for those who choose not to drink. Currently people who have been drinking are legally required to use some form of transportation other than them operating a motor vehicle. This requires them to hang around where they are and get a ride with someone else or wait or some public transportation. With the legalization of driving while drunk the non-drinking population would not need to be bothered by drunk people that do not have rides. Finally, this would help stimulate the economy which may be in dire trouble. For example, with ...
... injection. I understand that it is cleaner, but if the law wants to inflict death as a punishment, it must understand that death is not a pretty thing. Criminals are painlessly put to sleep, and die in the same manner that Dr. Kavorkian's patients choose. Personally, if I was faced with the option of living the remainder of my life in isolation, perpetually haunted by pain and images of terror, I would absolutely chose to die by lethal injection. There is no true punishment in this method, except the fear of going to hell, which I strongly doubt is of much concern to most convicts on death row. Assuming that the judicial processes which convict these indivi ...
... but many do not realize just how threatening these diseases are. Living in a small community, many youth believe that getting a sexually transmitted disease will never happen to them. But our children need to know that there are diseases in our country like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, Hepatitis, and even AIDS. Since 1986, Syphilis cases have increased by 100 percent (Haas and Haas 441). These kinds of facts need to be brought to students' attention. However, just because we inform our children of these diseases does not mean that they will not catch them, but they still need to be informed of the number of diseases that are ...
... in necessary to preserve what the founders of this country believed in. Guns are Beneficial Guns can help prevent crime. This is a view held by many opponents to gun control. The criminals themselves agree. As part of a three - year study by the U. S. Department of Justice, criminals in prisons across the nation were interviewed. Sixty percent feared being shot by an armed citizen more than being shot by the police. fifty - three percent did not commit a specific crime because they were afraid the victim was armed. Fifty - seven percent of them were scared off by an armed victim who either brandished a gun or actually fired it.3 This alone shows t ...
... no established medical use for marijuana or any other cannabis preparation. In the United States, its use is a crime and the laws governing marijuana are similar to those regulating heroin. Many authorities now urge that the laws be modified to mitigate the penalties relating to conviction on marijuana possession charges. The Use: The United States stands apart from many nations in its deep respect for the individual. The strong belief in personal freedom appears early in the nation's history. The Declaration of Independence speaks of every citizen's right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The Constitution and Bill of Rights go further, making spec ...