... Motor Vehicle Theft Act in 1919 further broadened the Bureau's jurisdiction. The Gangster Era began after passage of Prohibition in 1920. Criminals engaged in kidnapping and bank robbery, which were not federal crimes at that time. This changed in 1932 with the passage of a federal kidnapping statute. In 1934, numerous other federal criminal statutes were passed, and Congress gave Special Agents the authority to make arrests and to carry firearms. The FBI's size and jurisdiction during World War II increased greatly and included intelligence matters in South America. With the end of that war and the advent of the Atomic Age, the FBI began conducting backgroun ...
... out. The reasons by which we see that Eisenhower's and Kennedy's foreign policy were similiar is the fact that the both felt the same toward the policy of containment, thus the pieces fell in place once this plan was determined by both presidents. The policy of containment was the policy of the time, it said that our main goal was to keep communism from spreading. It would be later seen that the focus of our efforts would be on the third world nations which were weak and thus possible to have their governments overthrown. Although both presidents agreed on the topic of containment, Kennedy was a little more forceful in his approach. This was seen through his ina ...
... with the high demand for Southern items in Europe and Northern America more slaves were needed in the South to produce these cash crops. Without slaves there would be no cotton, tobacco, or sugar production and without these integral items the Southern economy would absolutely fail. The South depended on slaves to fuel their economy and therefore slavery dominated their economy. Between 1840 and 1860 many political issues, debates, and actions were inflamed by slavery. As America grew, the South wanted more slave states and the North wanted more free states to increase their hold in politics. One important act that fueled the slavery dominated political world ...
... of the talk shows on the air today, such as the Oprah Winfrey Show and the Montel Wiliams Show are focused on improvement of society and the quality of life. They focus on topics such as children, the workplace, everyday life and sometimes have interviews with respectable celebrities. You can catch shows with titles such as “Teaching Your Children Responsibly”, or “How to Manage Your Work Week”. These shows actually educate people and teach the child right from wrong. They also have shows exposing things such as child or spousal abuse and make people aware of these dangers. People even feel a special attachment to their favorite talk show hosts and talk a ...
... To her, it's also a question of fairness. African-Americans like Hillary feel that there is just no other was besides affirmative action to level the playing field in certain businesses.And so the disparity in public opinion begins. A racially-divided America creates separate groups, which "Affirmative Action issue taps a fundamental cleavage in American Society" (Gamson and Modigliani 170)--each with their own view of affirmative action on different sides of the line. Government attempts to create policy based upon the voice of the people but affirmative action seems to present an almost un-solvable dilemma. Traditionally, it had been a policy that was g ...
... answer to solving the problem of crime. The death penalty sh ould beallowed because it is not inhumane but rather fair and it's continued use will end up helping out society in many ways. Many people who oppose the death penalty say it is inhumane and unfair. These people who oppose it say that all human life has the right to be respected. All human life does have the right to be respected but there is a point when that right can be lost, if someone takes the life of another human being then they have given up that right. Another claim the opposers to the death penalty make is that the death penalty encourages more murders because if people see the authority ...
... a crime and can be dealt with in many ways, most times it just results in a fine. Law number six is if a man has stolen goods, he shall be put to death, and if he gave any stolen goods to people, they shall be put to death too. Today a robber would usually get a fine or jail time, and same for the person who received the goods, but wouldn't receive a death sentence in most cases. You can see how str ict they were on robbery back then, and probably not many robberies occurred. There were also laws that dealt with stealing ox, sheep, ass, pig, or ship that, unlike the previous laws, wasn't punishable by death but by a fine. In case of kidnapping, the kidnapper would b ...
... models, and raising their children together, with love, with discipline, and with lots of attention is not only their job, but their responsibility as parents. Parents determine how their children become. As the years go by, we see a higher and higher divorce rate. As this rate goes up, so does the crime rate. Couples today have forgotten the word commitment. As a result of this, the children suffer. It is hard to grow up with separated parents. Most children become bitter or angry as they grow because of their divorced parents. In some cases the parents fight or argue which can affect a child, and may adapt the child to be more aggressive. Also, when ra ...
... costs were lower. When a recession hit in 1980-1981, American firms had little capital to invest, and thus could not modernize their equipment. The industries that are going to survive in the future are those that have the most efficient computerized operations and that produce the cheapest, most reliable products. The Japanese have this edge and the American machine tool manufacturers are reluctant to change their ideologies of buying only American made products. John Garner and Tom Avery created precision Machine Tool. John Garner is the president of Precision Machine Tool, and is a financial conservative. He prefers to invest in the company using only its profi ...
... matter who does the killing because when a life is taken by another it is always wrong. By killing a human being the state lessens the value of life and actually contributes to the growing sentiment in today's society that certain individuals are worth more than others. When the value of life is lessened under certain circumstances such as the life of a murderer, what is stopping others from creating their own circumstances for the value of one's life such as race, class, religion, and economics. Immanual Kant, a great philosopher of ethics, came up with the Categorical Imperative, which is a universal command or rule that states that society and individuals "mu ...