... to hear the speech. Leon pushed his way through the crowd, determined to get close enough to shoot the President. A security guard blocked his chance, and the President was escorted away (Assassin Arrived… 1). The next day, Leon and McKinley returned to the exposition. In the afternoon, the President began shaking hands with people lined up by the Temple door. Near the end of this line, Leon waited patiently. His hand was wrapped in a handkerchief, which he held close to his chest, but no one seemed to notice. When the President reached him, Leon extended his left hand, pressed it against the President’s chest, and shot him twice with the gun he held under his ...
... directly to slavery, his listeners must question the validity of their Christian doctrines in relation to the institution of slavery. In doing so, they must eliminate their acceptance of one of these traditions; the odds are that Christianity holds a much more loyal following than slavery, in which case slavery will be given up as a practice. Douglass also quotes from Psalms 137:1-6, and the ludicrous concept that slaveholders expect their slaves to be joyous in their state of bondage is the essential meaning of the passage he chooses as it relates to the comparable situation of the Babylonians’ captives (442). His persuasive appeal in this case ...
... center of gravity of the cycloid. Torricelli's chief invention was the barometer. Pumpmakers of the Grand Duke of Tuscany attempted to raise water to a height of forty feet or more, but found that thirty-two feet was the limit to which it would rise in the suction pump. Strange enough, Galileo, who knew all about the weight of the air, had recourse to the old theory that "nature abhors a vacuum", modifying the law by stating that the "horror" extended only to about thirty-two feet. Torricelli at once conceived the correct explanation. He tried the experiment with quicksilver, a liquid fourteen times as heavy as water, expecting that the column would counterb ...
... of conflict and the Azuchi-Momoyama period began in 1568. was not all glamorous and powerful from the start. He was born in 1934 in Nagoya into an obscure family. His family was a sublineage of a deputy military governor (shugodai) house in Owari Province since about 1400. Though his father Nobuhide was a vassal of the Kiyosu branch of the Oda, he was actually a sengoku daimyo. The Oda were shugodai of Owari's lower four districts. As the lord of Nagoya Castle, he had the power to compete with daimyo of neighboring provinces. He made peace with Saito Dosan (neighboring daimyo) by marrying Nobunaga to Dosan's daughter. Nobuhide's abrupt death from a diseas ...
... lagoon. Midway was discovered in 1859 and annexed by the United States in August 1867. Between 1903 and 1940, it served both as a cable station on the Honolulu-Guam-Manila underwater telegraph line and as an airport for Pan American Airways China Clipper. In March 1940, after a report on U.S. Navy Pacific Bases declared Midway second only to Pearl Harbor in importance, construction of a formal naval air station began. Midway naval Air Station was placed in commission in August 1941. By that time Midway's facilities included a large sea plane hanger and ramps, artificial harbor, fuel storage tanks and several buildings. Hundreds of civilian construction worker ...
... ruled Matthias’s kingdom originated in both men’s thoughts from the Calvinism that was their first doctrine as youths around eighteen hundred. Elijah’s Morristown First Presbyterian Church and Mathews Coila Anti-Burhgers church enforced the dominance of men through incorporating their domestic authority into church ritual. With Elijah men sat at the head of the pew and his father and uncles were church trustees. Even though Robert Matthew’s church had an egalitarian dissolution of power and wealth , patriarchal roles were reinforced by men leading their families into church and all the authority figures being male. They were taught that God ...
... effect and grandeur of its general appearance. (History, Topography and Directory of Durham, Whellan, London, 1894) During the cathedral's construction, Durham was one of the most important northern outposts of the Normans, who had begun construction on the cathedral shortly after their victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The Norman prince bishop William St. Carileph, who had been exiled to France for some time, razed the older Anglo-Saxon church upon his return to Durham in 1092 to make way for the building of the cathedral that stands today. The cathedral itself was built fairly quickly. Construction began in 1093 and was completed in large part, as Bis ...
... to become a part of Navy Seals. The most memorable scenes in the entire film are two extended music sequences in which Demi shaves off all her lovely locks, and does one-armed push-ups in a tight tank top. Her struggle is about survival of the fittest. This is made plain by three words spoken by O’Neals words that become sort of the mantra for the movie “Suck my - - - -“. What these words means is that O’ Neal has become fully assimilated, she has transformed into a lean mean fighting machine. What DeHaven and O’Neal’s superiors and peers did not realize was that she dose not just try but she succeeds. She makes it through the horrifying gru ...
... 1763, Britain imposed few taxes on the colonies. After the war, Britain was buried in debt, which ensued in taxation of the colonies by the British Parliament. In 1764 the Parliament passed the Sugar Act, which is the first tax raising revenue in the colonies for the crown. The Act taxed non-British imports of sugar and molasses and increased the duty on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies. Bitter protest by the colonies lowered the duties considerably, thus lowered their agitation. But once again, new resentments were born by the Stamp Act and Quartering Act of 1765. The Stamp Act was intended to generate revenues that would help pay for the cost ...
... that they are willing to work hard for, and building a nation based on political and economic advances. U.S. President, Bill Clinton, visited on April 3, 1998, to give spotlight to the efforts of this continent to reform their democracies, to give praise on their efforts in social and economic growth, and to ultimately promote a new relationship with . The residents of are hoping that with the President visiting, a new world of opportunities will be opened to them and that they will be partners insead of patros with the U.S. Although the residents of Mozambique, Eritrea, Mali, and Ghana are nations with high poverty rates, much illiteracy, much mortality, few j ...