... president, was reluctant to confront McCarthy. The Red Scare of the 1950s was thriving and the presidents waged war against foreign Communist powers in order not to be accused of being sympathetic towards the opposition. They conformed to public opinion and shaped politics in America into a Cold War. The public conformed towards the American Dream. Everyone wanted a home in Levittown, a car, a television set and a functional nuclear family. To be different from the norm put Americans in danger of being blacklisted as Communists. Low-interest mortgage insurance provided by the FHA made it possible for returning GI’s to start their own families. Cars ...
... sex symbol. The Beatles were discovered on November 9, 1961 by Brian Epstein, a manager of a record store in Liverpool as well as an x British Army soldier. The Beatles first two song were "Love Me Do" and "Please, Please Me." The Beatles starred in two movies, "A Hard Days Night," and "Help." They also had their own full length cartoon called "Yellow Submarine." The movie "A Hard Days Night" earned 1.3 million dollars in its first week. The Beatles early music was influenced by singers Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. In November of 1963 the Beatles performed in front of the Queen of England. This was an incredible honor. By the end of 1963 the Be ...
... work of the guns. The Civil War is, to most Americans, what Lincoln wanted it to mean. In this book Garry Wills brilliantly explains how Lincoln wove a spell that has not, yet, been broken. Lincoln at Gettysburg's book is a tribute not just to the genius of Lincoln, but also to the power of language itself, which sometimes compromises the mind in order to save the soul. For Example, depending on the state he was giving a speech, Lincoln would advocate or reject slavery in order to capture the audience's attention, therefore, compromising his thought process with his beliefs. To extract the original context and relevance of an American institution, ...
... treatment, but it did not squarely face the constitutionality of the "separate but equal" doctrine until it decided the Brown case. In a brief, unanimous opinion delivered by Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Court declared that: "separate education facilities are inherently unequal" and that racial segregation violates the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. In a moving passage, the chief justice argued that separating children in the schools solely on racial grounds "generates a felling of inferiority as to their status in the community that may affect their hearts and minds in a way unlikely to be undone." Although the decision did not bring about total ...
... ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanting to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican-American War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the United States expansion goals. During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexico. Now they wanted to expand their land holdings north. The first expedition into the region, that is today the United States Southwest, was with ...
... Negotiating in his terms is to fight it out with as much carnage as possible until his side comes out "victoriously". Repeatedly, Saddam and his government break international convention laws. During his war fought with Iran, the Iraqi army used chemical weapons on the Iranian troops and even on their own Iraqi population. This was seemingly overlooked by the rest of the world because most nations didn't want to see the Ayatollah's Islamic revolution rise. Iraq often obtained foreign arms support from other nations because of this. It wasn't until the invasion of Kuwait that the rest of the world seemed to realize the danger that Iraq posed to its own pe ...
... crops which were normally imported from other countries to England. Since they were considered Englishmen and their lands considered property of the crown, the British could pass laws taking from them their basic rights as men. The British thought of the colonists as their primary asset in their practice of mercantilism, which at times may have been profitable for the colonists. Ultimately it became a primary reason for the beginning of social unrest among the early Americans. The colonists were like children who were told that if they don’t disturb their parents they could do anything they wanted. While when it became convenient the parents, Britain, came i ...
... then became known as La Maubergeonne. William died excommunicated in 1127. Eleanor took very much after her grandfather's sarcastic wit and humor in the frivolity of her early years, although never making a clown of herself. A holy hermit came to Williams IX protesting in God's name at the rape of Dangerosa, and after being received by the dukes usual mocking banter, the hermit placed a curse upon the family. Through both male and female lines they would never know happiness in their children.1 William the X had an unexpected gift of versifying, in a mixture of Lemosin and Poitou. Arab songs he heard from Moorish slave girls, which had been brought home by his fathe ...
... cut off because of racism and hate, all in a period of 11 years (1933-1945). There are actually two main phases to the Holocaust, the period between 1933 and 1939, the Nazi rise, and the period between 1939 and 1945, the period of war, or more specifically, World War II. The first concentration camp opened in January 1933, when the Nazis came to power, and continued to run until the end of the war and the Third Reich: May 8, 1945. The idea that the Holocaust represents 11 million lives that abruptly ended is a difficult concept, but this is an important point, and one this site hopes to help bring across. The Holocaust was the extermination of people not for who ...
... had the title Impression: Sunrise in 1872, in Musee Marmottan, Paris. During the rest of the 1870’s and early 1880’s, Monet used special techniques to paint scenes of different impressions on colors. Monet went to the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts to study the effects of light and color. By mid 1880’s Monet was generally the leader of the impressionist school and he achieved significant recognition and financial security. Monet was recognized, as the master of meticulous observation and true feelings for is paintings. In 1890, Monet was able to purchase some property in the village of Giverny, not far from Paris. In Giverny Monet began to cons ...