... of the catholic church was a reduction of the sales of indulgences. But this sale was not the only point Luther criticized in the Catholic church. The Catholic church taught that salvation comes from faith, good deeds and the assistance of the church. Martin Luther´s concept was that salvation comes by faith alone. Martin Luther also translated the bible into German. So far the bible was only written in Latin and the most people could not read it. For Protestant people the bible was the only source of truth. After a long argument between Luther and the church Luther was excomunicated from the church in the year 1521. That meant that he was not allowed to ...
... the African American solders that dedicated their life to preserve the union and abandon slavery. During the Civil War, there were people who were extremely prejudiced against the 54th regiment because the soldiers were all different colored skin and the people where used to the idea that different color skinned people worked as slaves. In gGlory,h Colonel Montgomery, Sargent Mocati (the Sargent that trained and prepared them for war) and the colonel that was in charge of distributing necessities, served as the people who discriminated the African American soldiers. When in training, Sargent remained strict towards the training of the African American sold ...
... in 1635. He also had another younger brother Henry who was born in 1660.(3) James learned Anglicanism of Archbishop Laud because the queen was not allowed to influence his religious education.(4) In the winter of 1647- 48 there was an attempt to send James to Holland so he could escape the beleaguered Britain and he did it successfully. James was being held captive because he was influenced by the Catholic religion. In 1649, Queen Henrietta Maria summoned James to Paris where he heard of his father's execution . After James's father Charles I died James's brother became king much to the dislike of James. James did not want to spend anymore time in the French Cou ...
... XIV’s wars began decreasing the royal finances dramatically. This worsened during the eighteenth century. The use of the money by Louis XIV angered the people and they wanted a new system of government. The writings of the philosophes such as Voltaire and Diderot, were critical of the government. They said that not one official in power was corrupt, but that the whole system of government needed some change. Eventually, when the royal finances were expended in the 1780’s, there began a time of greater criticism. This sparked the peasants notion of wanting change. Under the Old Regime in France, the king was the absolute monarch. Louis XIV had centralized power ...
... American history, people have fought for equality in any shape or form and the mid 1900’s was no exception. Having gone through leaps and bounds in terms of civil rights. The 1920’s to the 1940’s was a transitional period for all Americans and minority groups. During this period of American history, America was one of the most modern countries in the world but still facing economic turmoil. The Great Depression put most people out of work and made big businesses hit an all time low. Americans from every walk of life were affected by this terrible event. But the event that brought the United States out of the Depression could not reall ...
... In France, its pre-eminent position was never seriously challenged. French was more restrained in its expression than its Italian counterpart. The most common and remembered details that made the two styles different were its culture, economy, religion, government, and economics. These can make one style very different from the other, but there were also other reasons why. Italians were the first to come up with , they became very interested in the surroundings of their buildings. They placed elaborate gardens around places. They set off important buildings in the cities by open squares decorated with fountains or colonnades. Roads leading from ...
... is difficult to overstate. Before and during the games, a sacred truce [called ekecheiria] was called between all warring cities. This allowed every athlete to enter the games safely and promoted a sense of unity among an otherwise quarreling group of states. Beginning in the 6th century BCE, Olympia became the premier venue for the signing of inter-city treaties. These gatherings clearly created a sense of unity, and the symbol of the naked body helped to produce a feeling of pride among the Greeks. Economically, a great deal of trade revolved around the festivals and it undoubtedly continued even after they completed. Pindar and Bacchylides, choral lyric po ...
... after the Seven Years' war also. The increasing debt of the government escalated the hope for the monarchy to resume a "absolute power" status along with Louis XIV. This could not be accomplished because of the doubt that the public had towards the present kings Louis XV and Louis XVI, and the public could not be swayed to help. The only result of the attempts for absolutism by the monarchy were a series of new and increase taxes on the nobles. The aristocracy immediately reacted to these taxes as declaring them unfair and would not accept them. Louis XV began with a series of Financial advisors chancellors which all had the intention of saving the monarchy from ...
... War, the states found themselves in urgent need of manufactured good. War-born shortages of goods quickly brought about a revival of foreign trade. After the signing of The Treaty of Paris, American and British merchants were free to resume trade between the two countries. America also expanded trade to other countries. During the colonial period, Britain did not permit the colonies to transport any goods directly to the European continent north of Cape Finisterre. The Navigation Act also prohibited the exportation of tobacco, rice, indigo, furs and naval store to other countries except Great Britain and other colonies. American victory in the Rev ...
... word. I can now see the word can have many meanings. "… In my third grade class… I remarked that once again (the little boy) had received a much lower mark than I did… he spit out that word…"(232) here I saw the meaning of the word that I saw, the only meaning I knew. A derogatory remark used to demean an African American person. Then as I read into the story more I saw another meaning, "…the word was always applied to a man who had distinguished himself… that brought approval for his strength, intelligence, or drive."(233) Here the word was used as praise. For the first time I could see through an African American person's eyes and understand what t ...