... drifts off into nothing ness as he gets farther away from his home. Once stopping on the side of the road along the way and meeting up with the kind Wilson's, Grandpa finally broke down. Being such a strong man, it was very frightening to see him cry and once lay down for a while to rest, he went to the eternal rest as he passed away. It was thought by the ex-preacher, Casy, that Grandpa was dying since the day they left the home, that land was Him and without it he was dead. The death of Grandpa didn't fully hit the Joads. The only one who was effected severely by this tragic experience was Grandma. For now, after all, she was left alone. She went into fits of cry ...
... barns of the rich were searched. I dare say positively enough grain would be found in them to have saved the lives of all those who died from starvation and disease, if it had been divided equally among them. Nobody really need have suffered from a bad harvest at all. So easily might men get the necessities of life if that cursed money, which is supposed to provide access to them, were not in fact the chief barrier to our getting what we need to live. Even the rich, I'm sure, understand this. They must know that it's better to have enough of what we really need than an abundance of superfluities, much better to escape from our many present troubles than to be burden ...
... his caution before the Miller's Tale. He acknowledges that his audience might not want to hear what he has to say because he asks them if they want to listen to his tale. Besides being a poet who both recites his work and writes it down, the narrator is also a pilgrim. He says it clearly: "in that seson on a day, In Southwerk at the Tabard as I lay Redy to wenden on my pilgrymage" (1). But the fact that he is a pilgrim gives no clue to what he does in real life; beggars and kings alike could be pilgrims. So we know the narrator not by his vocation, but by his avocations: writer and pilgrim. Why not short-circuit this elaborate search for textual clues as to what t ...
... get to these offices, Stark had to overpower others with dark knowledge, the secrets people keep. Stark says that “man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud. There is always something (49).” He is saying that everyone has something to hide, a skeleton in the closet. Stark knows that everyone has some bit of knowledge to hide, and that the knowledge makes man a slave as he tries to hide the bit of knowledge. Stark often wields the power of knowledge to enslave others to do his bidding. He finds the dirt on someone, the secret bit of dark knowledge, and then has them do his bidding. When ...
... and socia justice was impossible. The only way to establish justice, he said, was for t workers to overthrow the capitalists by means of violent revolution. He urged workers around the world to revolt against their rulers. "Workers of the worl unite!" he wrote. "You have nothing to lose but your chains." Another thing Marx taught was that organized religion, the churches, help capitalists to keep the workers quiet and obedient. Religion, according to Mar 'the opiate of the masses'. The church tells working people to forget about th injustice they meet in their lives and to think instead of how wonderful it wi in the after- life when they go ...
... This is precisely the escape route from strict mandates of law and religion, to a refuge where men, as well as women, can open up and be themselves. It is here that Dimmesdale openly acknowledges Hester and his undying love for her. It is also here that Hester can do the same for Dimmesdale. Finally, it is here that the two of them can openly engage in conversation without being preoccupied with the constraints that Puritan society places on them. The forest itself is the very embodiment of freedom. Nobody watches in the woods to report misbehavior, thus it is here that people may do as they wish. To independent spirits such as Hester Prynne's, ...
... he is a crook, a bootlegger who has involved himself with swindlers like Meyer Wolfshime, "the man who fixed the World Series back in 1919."(78) Secondly, he is dishonest, because he tells lies about himself. "I am the son of some wealthy people in the middle-west-all dead now. I was brought up in America but educated at Oxford because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years. It is a family tradition."(69) Lastly, he spends his money like pouring water. He held expensive parties, owns a huge mansion, a Rolls Royce, two motor boats, aquaplanes, a swimming pool (ironically that he has never used it except the day he has died), and a flashy wardrobe ...
... work. The first section is narrated from Benjy's mind. Unfortunately for the reader, Benjy is mentally incapable of clear thought. In other words, this section of the book appears to be a jumbled mess of sounds and senses at first glance. However, this section can be "translated" to make some kind of sense. Once this happens, the story does make sense and does serve a purpose. The main conflict of the story revolves around Caddy's promiscuity. Each character takes some position regarding this fact. Benjy, as retarded as he is, is the only one capable of telling an unbiased version of the story. Because he cannot think rationally enough to decide a ...
... at the beginning of the book, Gregor Samsa was working very hard at a menial job to support his entire family. While his boss was very strict, Gregor managed to do well enough to keep his family in an apartment that was larger than their needs required. He was even planning to send his sister to the music academy to further her violin skills. But to call Gregor's life tedious would be an understatement. Every day he awoke early to catch the same train to do the same job until it was time for him to return home. Kafka implies that in order to save money, or for some unknown reason, Gregor's social life is almost nonexistent. Therefore, the message found i ...
... asks if he can tag along in the adventure if he pays his share. Another man on the ranch, Slim, gives Lennie a puppy to play with but Lennie, feebleminded and sweet attempts to love even the gentlest of creatures, but, as he only has a childlike understanding of his enormous strength, the results are often tragic. Curly is the boss's son, and sensing Lennie's simple mind, he attempts to intimidate and antagonize him not anticipating his strength. He hits Lennie because he thinks Lennie is teasing him. Lennie tries to resist fighting as long as he can but after suffering many blows to the face from Curly, he grabs Curly's hand and squeezes it so hard it breaks every ...