... One of Soda’s friends Steve was always with them. He was Soda’s best friend. They both worked at a gas station. They always were the busiest. Maybe it was because Steve knew so much about cars or maybe because Soda could have any girl he wanted. Steve Randle was seventeen years old. He was tall and thin. Then there was Two-Bit Mathews. His real name was Keith and he couldn’t remember Two-Bit was the oldest of the Greasers. He is six feet tall and was very proud of his long sideburns. Two-Bit never stopped making wisecracks or funny remarks. He wasn’t big with the cops. Keith, a.k.a. Two-bit loved to shoplift. AT eighteen he was still a junior and had ...
... to take Fortunato to the catacombs of the Montressors, and second, to arrest Fortunato down there forever. Irony first appears in Fortunato's name, once we are made aware, in the second paragraph, that he is going to be killed, but it ( the irony ) continues present during all the short story as something to call our attention to what is really happening. In the second paragraph Montressor states that in spite of his decision of killing Fortunato, he continued smiling in his face ( Fortunato's ), but he adds: "...and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation." So, when they meet each other they behaved as always, but now ...
... and pretending that other villagers were bewitching them. The Crucible starts after the girls in the village have been caught dancing in the woods. As one of them falls sick, rumors start to fly that there is witchcraft going on in the woods, and that the sick girl is bewitched. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened of being accused as witches, so Abigail starts accusing others of practicing witchcraft. The other girls all join in so that the blame will not be placed on them. In The Crucible, Abigail starts the accusations by saying, "I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Os ...
... is the fact that he is self existent. In essence, that means that God depends on nothing else for his existence, he is uncaused. Therefore, his existence is timelessly-eternal. This means that God cannot stop existing. On the other hand, contingent beings (such as ourselves) depend on something else for their existence. One example of this is, that as a child we utterly depended on our parents for food, clothing, and shelter. Contingent beings therefore can begin to be or cease to be at anytime. They can, unlike God, be here today and gone tomorrow. Anselm uses the definition of God (the ontological argument), in which I have described above, to prove God' ...
... that he values the serenity of living alone. He tells them that he can peacefully enjoy the beauty of nature outside and the animals also keep him company at times. But the main reason why Joshua never feels alone is that God is always with him, loving him always, and will never abandon him: “No. I like being by myself… God is with us all the time” (72). Pat and Herm agree but still can not imagine living alone without any feeling of loneliness and this discussion of God leads to Herm’s question. Joshua’s response is similar to a sermon or speech, and is over a page in length; he is firm in these beliefs and reiterates them several t ...
... Nunsuch into helping her feed a fire. She dismisses him and begins to walk home. Before reaching home, he is frightened by the light coming from the heath and returns to discover Wildeve meeting with Eustacia. By pure chance, Venn discovers the boy and quizzes him. “Then I came down here, and I was afeard, and I went back; but I didn't like to speak to her, because of the gentleman, and I came on here again” [Johnny Nunsuch] “ A gentleman--ah! What did she say to him, my man?” [Diggory Venn] “Told him she supposed he had not married the other woman because he liked his old sweetheart best; and things like that” [Johnny Nunsuch] [Book F ...
... The Grangerfords showed all the signs of being upper class by having an extremely nice house, acting properly, and each member of the family had their own servant. Eventually it becomes apparent to Huck that the Grangerfords are feuding with a neighboring household, the Sheperdsons, this seems to be the central angle Twain uses to satire. The two chapters dealing with the Grangerford and Sheperdson feud allow Twain to satire aspects of civilized culture. The main aspect he satirizes is the feud itself. The Grangerfords being the representatives of civilization, Twain reveals the senseless brutality and needless manslaughter involved in their arbitrary concept ...
... (703-704,705). Descriptions of the "holy relics" follow and show that he is actually a fraud. Drawing "more than the parson in a month or two" and singing "an Offertory" the best, reveals his greed and self-indulgence with money (724,730). The first impression of "gentle" and "noble" allow the Pardoner to seem humble and nice, while he is actually his greedy, sleek nature as he sells fake relics (728). Next, Chaucer focuses the description of the Pardoner on his head and the relics he sells. The "hair as yellow as wax," "no hood upon his head," "a little cap," "bulging eyeballs," and "no beard" reveals the particular details of the Pardoner’s head, expres ...
... as it is the predilection of the proponent that determines their choice. A person who has an imaginative soul or who finds it easy to rise above the mundane restrictions of everyday life would probably argue that Peter Quint and Miss Jessel are ghosts, where as a more logical thinker with a literal sense of mind would probably search out the explanation in psychopathology. The decision is really left up to the reader. Henry James use of symbolism in The Turn of the Screw seems to be the easiest way to sway the reader’s opinion toward the psychological theory. There are several types of symbolism used throughout the story but the three that seem to be th ...
... fought for abolishment of slavery. Huck to some people would be the argument for Twain’s racism, but Huck was raised from a boy by people with extreme hatred towards blacks such like Pap and Miss Watson. Even if bigotry was part of Huck’s attitude towards blacks it should be excused. Towards the end of the novel Huck encounters Aunt Sally who makes a remark towards blacks. She remarked that thank god no one was hurt but it was okay if a black person was. This is just a fine example of the extremities that Huck was raised under and the society’s views towards blacks. Twain is merely revealing the harsh truth of society in a subtle tone. It is also i ...