... live a fairly meaningless life void of love and affection. They have few friendships and cling to anyone who shows them sincere attention. An example of this is when Lennie has a conversation with Crooks and he expresses his feelings of loneliness. Another example is when Carlson shoots Candy's dog. Candy becomes very eager to attach himself to George and lennie and purchase a house with them as a result of the loss of his only real love in his life. The responsibilities of aspiration and hope play a major role in the structure of George, Lennie and Curley's wife's character. To an extent their aspirations protect them from reality for short stints and acts like ...
... I was doing in the present. I cut myself off from the outside world. I was rather shy around other people (I still am, admittedly) and I had very few friends. It was not too long before I discovered the faults in my erroneous living. I finally realized, and truly not a moment too soon, that if I did not start living for the present, my future would soon become my neglected present. I would have wasted my life doing meaningless things and I would have no experience to share with anyone who may be interested in the uneventful life I had led. After I came to this startling revelation, I grew even more apathetic in my depression. I truly felt that there was not ...
... being treated poorly, or perhaps was related to one and wanted to tell the society it was not right, but put it in a way by which it touched people in their own way, depending on how they interpret the story. In the story, there was a point where Charlie was at a party and they got him drunk, and made him dance with a girl. Charlie had never been with a girl before and didn’t know what to do. They were tripping him when he was trying to dance with the girl. Later after the operation when he is smart he says "…people were laughing and making fun of me…" Maybe Daniel Keyes has seen something like this happen before done to someone mentally challenged. Daniel ...
... with his grades and spent most of his time catering to his “social” needs. He became quite involved with the Princeton Triangle Club, an undergraduate club which wrote and produced a lively musical comedy each fall, and performed it during the Christmas vacation in a dozen major cities across the country. Fitzgerald was also elected to “Cottage,” which was one of the big four clubs at Princeton. “Its lavish weekend parties in impressive surroundings, which attracted girls from New York, Philadelphia and beyond, may well have provided the first grain of inspiration for Fitzgerald’s portrayal of Jay Gat ...
... in the morning. Later in the novel, he spends hours working on plans for the hospital that he has sworn to people that he would build. Furthermore, all of the evidence points toward the idea that he has always been a person who needs little sleep, one who has the drive to use every waking hour profitably. Another of Willie Stark's primary characteristics is his ability to hold a crowd spellbound, to move them emotionally as he wishes them to be moved. He does just the right things in the drugstore in Mason City in order to make sure that the crowd's allegiance to him is reinforced. When he makes a speech in the Town Square a little later, he makes sure of two th ...
... that does not become clear until the end of the story. Springtime, the setting for Alice's dream, is the traditional time in English literature for frivolity and strange stories. The setting for Chaucer's Canterbury Tales also takes place in the spring, at the beginning of April. This accounts for many of the fantastic elements and for the non-linear nature of the story; ideas and conversations are not to be taken seriously, but rather to be enjoyed for their lack of connection and straightforward meaning. The dream world in which Alice finds herself when she enters the rabbit hole is called Wonderland. Wonderland is populated by animals that talk and act like real ...
... of race for the main reason that students and parents should not be ashamed of their past. In Kathy Monteiro's complaint to the Tempe, Arizona school board she stated, "It's [the 'N' word] inappropriate anywhere but particularly in the classroom ... That should not be ... The price that a student pays when they go into the classroom [sic] to exchange any form of humiliation or degradation in exchange for their education - period." For what reason would a student be ashamed or feel degraded to read such a novel? It would be more understandable if slavery was still part of our lives today and black people were still being called niggers and going through the same ...
... full of "phonies," and maintaining individuality. With such views in mind, Holden begins alone in the story, and he stays as such throughout the entire story. He establishes concrete individual existence as he abandons school and goes to live in New York by himself. He understands that life must not be lived as a game, although he agrees with Mr. Spencer in order not to sound inferior to him. A Danish philosopher and existentialist, Soren Kierkegaard, once wrote, "I must find a truth that is true for me… the idea for which I can live or die." Holden stays true to this statement as he leads a life, not as a phony, but as himself, leading a solitary life i ...
... puritan. Milton the poet, seems to celebrate the ideal of sex; yet, he deplores concupiscence and warns against the evils of lust, insisting lust leads to sin, violence and death. From the beginning, Satan, like fallen humanity, not only blames others; but also makes comic and grandiose reasons for his evil behavior. Yet, despite his reasoning to seek revenge against God, "his true motivation for escaping from hell and perverting paradise is, at least partly, something more basic: Satan needs sex" (Daniel 26). In the opening books of the poem, Satan is cast into a fiery hell that is not only is miserable, but devoid of sex. As Satan describes when he has esc ...
... setting for most of his stories (“Twain”). In 1847, when Clemens was twelve his father died. Clemens grew up in an educated family (Works of Twain: Biographical Sketch). At age twelve he was apprenticed to a printer and at age sixteen he worked under his brother, Orion who was a newspaper publisher in Hannibal. Clemens made an early attempt at writing by sending comical travel letters to the Keokuk Saturday Post in Iowa under the pen name Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass. These letters contained purposely inserted errors typical of Clemen's later work. When he was twenty-two he fulfilled a childhood dream by becoming apprenticed to a riverboat pilot named, Horac ...