... and a poet. Because of economic troubles, and his responsibility for a family of half-brothers and sisters when his father died, Robert Franklin Warren forsook his literary ambitions and devoted himself to more lucrative businesses. Robert Warren did not always have ambitions to become a writer, in fact, one of his earlier dreams was to become an adventurer on the high seas. This fantasy might have indeed come about, for his father intended to get him an appointment to Annapolis, had it not been for a childhood accident in which he lost sight in one of his eyes. Warren was an outstanding student but there were also many books at home, and he savored reading. His f ...
... 1988. Hussein started this war to control Arab-inhabited areas and especially for oil resources. Hussein is also known as a ruthless leader who used chemical weapons on Kurdish people seeking freedom in the 1980’s. In August, 1990, Hussein invaded and annexed Kuwait for violating oil production laws set by the Organization of Petroleum Exports Countries(OPEC). (Kuwait had lowered the price of oil.) The Iraqi forces killed many Kuwaiti people and stole or destroyed much property. Hussein apparently wanted to use Kuwait’s vast oil resources to help Iraq’s economy. Many people believed that Iraq would next invade neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia. Some ...
... arrested and taken to jail. Edgar Daniel Nixon, head of the NAACP in Montgomery, posted a $100 bond to get her released. Although Mrs. Parks was not the first black person to get arrested for refusing to give up her seat on the bus, Mr. Nixon decided that she wouldn't be the last. He called a meeting of black leaders to see what action they should take. By the end of the meeting, the leaders agreed to call a one-day boycott of all the city buses for Monday Dec.5. On Monday, the buses began their run through the black neighborhood and came back empty. The boycott was a sucess. They set up the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) and named Martin Luther King ...
... the eyes of the common folk in the parish. Though they lived well, the Smiths had no fortune. Abigail’s father often worked with his own hands, planting corn and potatoes, gathering hay, sowing barley, or making sure that his sheep received proper care. Abigail, with the help of her family grew a very religious bond between each other and a long lasting friendship. Abigail never went to a real school because of poor health. So, she learned at home. Her father’s library was not big, but she still went to it to read books. Abigail’s favorite books were novels by Samuel Richardson. Abigail’s father knew John Adams by working with him and she g ...
... of her life), but also unusually well read and deeply involved in the cultural trends of her age. She was a tireless worker and knew how to select capable assistants--for example, Nikita PANIN in foreign affairs, Aleksandr SUVOROV in the military, and Grigory POTEMKIN in administration. Imbued with the ideas of the Enlightenment, Catherine aimed at completing the job started by Peter I--westernizing Russia--but she had different methods. Unlike Peter, she did not forcibly conscript society into the service of the state, but rather encouraged individual initiative in pursuit of self-interest. She succeeded to a degree with the upper classes, but did nothin ...
... to South America, making many stops along the coast. Here Darwin observed the plants and animals of the tropics and was stunned by the diversity of species compared with Europe. The most significant stop the Beagle made was the Galapagos Islands off the northwestern coast of South America. It was here that Darwin found huge populations of Tortoises; and he found out that diffrent islands were home to diffrent types of tortoises. He found that islands without tortoises, pricky pear cactus plants grew with their fruits spread all over the ground. And on Islands that had lots of tortoises, the prickly pears grew really thick, tall, bearing the fruit high above the tort ...
... truth. Descartes’ immovable truth, a truth on which he would lay down his foundation of knowledge, and define all that which he knows, was the simple line ‘Cogito ergo sume”; I think, therefor I am. This allowed for his existence. Where this line failed, however, was in the proof or disproof of the external world. Once Descartes established himself as a “thinking thing”, his attention turned to the external world. Descartes reflects upon his dealing with physical objects, and questions the state of corporeal nature, dealing directly with the senses. Re-stating the fact that Descartes believes that these sensations of taste, touch, smell, and the ...
... famous artists such as Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, Ethal Waters, and Billie Holiday. At the age of nineteen she met and married Louis Jones. Together they had two children Gail and Teddy (who later died in 1970 from kidney failure). While trying to get used to raising a family and having a career, she received a call from an agent, who had seen her at the Cotton Club, about a part in a movie. Her controlling husband allowed her to be in “The Duke is Tops” and also the musical revue “Blackbirds of 1939." When she finally got up the courage to leave Louis, he deiced to take her son away from her. Page 2 She lost custody of Teddy when the divorce ...
... Nemerov was an impeccable student and a strong athlete. After graduating in 1937, he went to Harvard, where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree. At the start of World War II, Nemerov became attracted to the air force. However, like all poets, this attraction gradually grew into terror at the reality of war ("Nemerov" 249). Nemerov first served as a flying officer with the RAF Coastal Command, attacking German ships over the North Sea. Then in 1944, he was transferred to the Eighth United States Army Air Force, based in Lincolnshire. Later he served in a unit of the Royal Canadian Air Force attached to the United States Air Force. In 1944, he marrie ...
... between Carthage and Rome in 219 B.C., Hannibal raided the city. This began the Second Punic War. Hannibal began a long and dangerous journey, with battle elephants marching at the front of his army (Green 21). Hannibal left a lasting reminder of his deeds in the names of Spanish places such as Potus Hannibalis, Insula Hannabalis, and Scalae Hannibalis (Lancel 12). In the spring of 218 B.C., Hannibal handed over command of the Spanish armies to his brother Hasdrubal. He then led his troops north toward the Pyrenees Mountains and began one of the most famous journeys in history (Green 24). Hannibal's army included Libyans and Numidians from North Africa, Iberian ...