... writing as her only expressive outlet, and remarkably had a poem published when she was only eight. Plath continued prolific writing through high school and won a scholarship to Smith College in 1950 where she met her friend Anne Sexton. Sexton often joined Plath for martinis at the Ritz where they shared poetry and intellectualized discussions about death. Although they were friends, there was also an element of competition between Sexton and Plath. Sylvia Plath's poem " Daddy" was possibly a response to Anne Sexton's "My Friend, My Friend." It was as if Plath was commenting that her writing skills were just a bit better than Sexton's. Sexton frequently wou ...
... a thought process by means of Wundtian introspection would fail. But he felt that a naturalistic kind of introspection, to observe our own thoughts and feelings as they actually seem to us, could tell us alot about our mental life. This was for him, the most important of the investigative methods. Introspection required both concentration and practice, because inner states follow each other rapidly and often are blended and difficult to distinguish from one another. Just as with practice one can notice, observe, name, and classify objects outside oneself, one can do so with inner events. Introspection is in reality, immediate retrospection; the conscious mind loo ...
... him the middle name Allen as a baptismal name, though he never formally adopted him. Even though AllenĀ“s treatment toward Poe is not exactly known, we know that Allen never treated Poe with sensitivity. In 1815, the Allen family moved to England on business. There, Poe entered the Manor-House School in Stoke-Newington, a London suburb. This school taught him "the gothic architecture and historical landscape of the region made a deep imprint on his youthful imagination, which would effect his adult writings" (Levin, 14). The Allens left England in June 1820, and arrived in Richmond on August 2. Here, Poe entered the English and Classical School of Joseph H. ...
... old family friend, to serve as his private secretary. Even before the Louisiana Territory was purchased from France, Jefferson was ready to send an expedition into the frontier. In January of 1803 Congress approved a plan for an expedition. Jefferson had many reasons for employing the explorers. A boundless curiosity for botany, zoology, and geography was one of Jefferson’s main reasons. Also Jefferson wanted to establish communication and some interaction with the Indians. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory was an entirely unexpected outcome. Robert Livingston, an ambassador to France, was told to discuss the purchase of the port of New Orleans fr ...
... must be limited by certain legal constraints. Hobbes felt that the state or government had final control. To Hobbes the state of nature is a state of war because human beings cannot control their lust for power. So if a person keeps any power not given to government in the social contract, the person would use the power to oppress others. He felt that men must mutually consent to the contract in order to create government giving up their powers in the state of nature to ensure peace and security from the state of war of having no social contract. In Leviathan Hobbes does not see government interfering in the life of men who obey the laws believing that p ...
... He was rejected due to a defective left eye. He then turned to the Red Cross in which he became a second lieutenant. The Red Cross brought him to the front lines of the war in Italy. It was here where he saw many disturbing sights which probably had a hand in shaping his character. After extensive injuries from the war, Hemingway returned unhappily to Oak Park. The impression left on him by his participation in the war had greatly changed him. He began living at home again but refused to get a job, even when his mother ordered him to. Soon she kicked him out and he moved to Chicago. Here he made a living writing for the Toronto Star and working as a sparri ...
... in the Narragansett Bay area by 1643, when Williams went to England. Through the influence of powerful friends such as Sir Henry Vane, he obtained from the Long Parliament a patent uniting the Rhode Island towns of Portsmouth, Newport, and Warwick with Providence. In 1651, William Coddington secured a commission annulling the patent, but Williams, with John Clarke hastened again to England and had the patent of 1644 restored. On his return in 1654, Williams was elected president of the colony and served three terms. Always a trusted friend of the Native Americans, he often used his good offices in maintaining peaceful relations with them. But he was unable to pr ...
... College in 1907. There he became a follower of the revolutionary leader Dr. Sun Yat-sen. This encouraged him in 1911 to take part in the revolt that established the Chinese Republic. In 1917 when Sun established the Guangzhou government, Chiang was his military aide. Sun sent him to the USSR to study Russia military methods and was more than willing to go. He got a good response from the people there. Not only did they give him advice but they also sent thirty or so military men as help. One of these men, named Michael Borodin suggested that they start a military academy in China. They placed it in Whampoa and named it the Whampoa Military Academy. Their main goal ...
... Washington.When Professor Wilson was 39, he suffered a minor stroke that left him with weakness of the right arm and hand, sensory disturbances in the tips of several fingers, and an inability to write in his usual right-handed manner. As often happens following minor strokes, there was recovery: his right-handed writing ability returned within a year. Was his career impeded? No, in 1902 he became the president of Princeton. But the problem recurred in 1904. In 1906 it happened again, this time with blindness in the left eye (also supplied by the left internal carotid artery, which is probably where clots were originating which plugged up various small arteries ...
... to the study of philosophy under Philo the Academic. But his chief attention was reserved for oratory, to which he applied himself with the assistance of Molo, the most skilled rhetorician of the day. Diodotus the Stoic also exercised him in the argumentative subtleties for which the disciples of Zeno were known. Cicero was the first Roman who found his way to the highest dignities of the State with no other recommendation than his powers of eloquence and his merits as a civil justice. The first case of importance which he undertook was the defense of Roscius Amerintis, in which he distinguished himself by his courageous defense, of his client, who had been accu ...