... anti those who opposed him. The rebels forced Arafat and his supporters to leave their in northern Lebanon, but Arafat remained chairman of the PLO. The PLO did not recognize Israel's rights to exist. Bur in 1988, Arafat persuaded the PLO it accept Israel's rights to exist along side an independent Palestinian state in territories in Palestine Israel had occupied after 1967 arab-isreali war. The territories are the Gaza strip and the west bank. the PLO declared the existence of the state and elected Arafat it's president. But Israel continued to occupy and in effect govern the area. In 1993, the PLO-under Arafat's leadership, signed an agreement with Isreal for ...
... professional dedication. He was named commander of the Spanish foreign legion in 1923. Franco became a national hero for his role in suppressing revolts in Morocco, and at the age of 33 he was made brigadier general. Having quelled a leftists revolt in Austria in 1934, he became army chief of staff in 1935. In February of 1936 the leftist government of the Spanish republic exiled Franco to an obscure command in the Canary Islands. The following July he joined other right-wing officers in a revolt against the republic. In October they made him commander in chief and head of state of their new Nationalist regime. During the three years of the e ...
... name of Sister Teresa, after Saint Teresa of Lisieux, who also found her vocation while still a child. As a nun, began teaching at St. Mary's high school in Calcutta. After a few years of teaching she became principal of the school. had a special place in her heart for children, and she showed it her actions. In 1982, during a the siege of Bierut, she convinced the Israeli army and Palestinian guerillas to stop shooting long enough for her to rescue thirty-seven children trapped in a front line hospital. Children were always delighted to be around , but many World leaders quailed at her approach. They knew that she would not flatter them and that she might ...
... a great asset to Johnson's career. They had two daughters, Lynda Byrd, born in 1944, and Luci Baines, born in 1947. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt entered the White House. Johnson greatly admired the president, who named him, at age 27, to head the National Youth Administration in Texas. This job, which Johnson held from 1935 to 1937, entailed helping young people obtain employment and schooling. It confirmed Johnson's faith in the positive potential of government and won for him a group of supporters in Texas. In 1937, Johnson sought and won a Texas seat in Congress, where he championed public works, reclamation, and public power programs. When war came to Europe ...
... spirit. The boys enjoyed playing touch football together. John Kennedy's education included elementary schools in Brookline and Riverdale. By the age of thirteen his father sent him to the Canterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut. He then transferred to Choate Academy in Wallingford, Connecticut, and graduated in 1935 at eight-teen years old. In 1936, after a summer in England, John entered Princeton University. After Christmas, of that same year, he developed jaundice. Then in 1936 he entered Harvard University. At Harvard he majored in government and international relations. In 1940 he graduated from Harvard. He then enrolled at Stanford University, ...
... get from people. His most loyal admirers were confident that this rural-breed preacher was God’s mouthpiece, calling Americans to repentance. Sunday’s critics said that at best he was a well-meaning buffoon whose sermons vulgarized and trivialized the Christian message and at worst he was a disgrace to the name of Christ (Dorsett 2). There are elements of truth in both of these views. He was often guilty of oversimplifying biblical truths, and at times he spoke more out of ignorance than a heavenly viewpoint. He was also a man with numerous flaws. He spoiled his children, giving them everything that they asked for. He put enormous responsibility on his wife, ...
... makes any love affair with a party member impossible. Winston notices two people, O`Brien a party leader, and a young girl by the name of Julia. Winston hates Julia for what she represents and yet he lusts for her. She appears to be a faithful party member devoted to purity and Winston suspects that she may also be a member of the Thought Police. Winston shares his doubts about the Party with O`Brien even though he realized that this may be very dangerous. The Parsons' are neighbours of Winston. Their apartment smells badly. The Parson children are members of the Spies, a party organization and Mr.Parson a fellow employee is a dedicated party member who stupidly a ...
... English. In this paper I am going to show the conflicting views about William Wallace’s life. I will use a wide variety of sources including the movie Braveheart’s script, Internet web pages, and written history in order to support my thesis. I will conclude with the fact that William Wallace was truly a worthy patriot of his native country Scotland. He fearlessly led his fellow patriots into battle, and gained freedom for Scotland from the tyrannical rule of the English King, Edward I. In May of 1995 the film Braveheart came out in theaters. Braveheart is mainly a biographical movie about William Wallace. It portrays Wallace as a tall, strong, a ...
... strength early - when faced with adversity, rather than wring his hands and retreat further into himself, Toomer searched for a plan of action, an intellectual scheme and method to cope with a personal crisis. Toomer writes in Wayward and Seeking, "I had an attitude towards myself that I was superior to wrong-doing and above criticism and reproach ... I seemed to induce, in the grownups, an attitude which made them keep their hands off me; keep, as it were, a respectable distance." Eugene and Nina and a new husband moved to New York in 1906; however, upon Nina's death in 1909, Nathan moved back to Washington and his grandparents. When graduated from high scho ...
... translated into 39 different languages. Not only is Spock known for being a great pediatrician and author, but he is known as a political activist as well. Spock was a high-profile political activist in the 1960’s. Spock came under fire from critics like Vice president Spiro Agnew in the 1960’s who branded him “The father of permissiveness” responsible for a generation of hippies. Spock joined those youths in protests against nuclear technology and the Vietnam war and in 1967 led a march on the Pentagon. He was arrested numerous times for civil disobedience, and even ran for U.S. president as a candidate for the people’s party in 1972. ’s last contributi ...